Monday, May 24, 2010

Reflection of MediaP 150

Overall I must say that my experiences in MediaP 150 have been, for the most part, educational, informative, and entertaining. The lab and lecture layout of the class has helped me to both understand film and media through the hands on and what I found to be real life experiences as well as the lectures, which gave me more explanation of the different aspects of what we were learning.
I would say that the only negative that I found that the class presented was the lack of time for each of the lab demos or projects. I think that if there were more than one film camera demo, more than one HTML demo, and more than one Photoshop demo the students would be able to retain more of the information. I thought that there was too much information crammed into a short amount of time.
Some things that I learned from the semester that will always stand out were the still and moving image composition rules and shots we went over near the first few weeks of the semester. Those ideas and rules were new to me and I found it very insightful and helpful to be able to try these techniques and rules out with the hands on projects.

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