Thursday, November 4, 2010

Production Notes

Now that I have pretty much completed my video project there are a few things that I would have done differently. The first thing that I would have done was I would have looked for someone who had a video camera that I could have borrowed so I wouldn’t have to use those steady cams. I have done minor projects with these cameras before, and new coming in that the quality of video wasn’t going to be too great, but I didn’t realize how many broken and damaged frames I would get when converting and transferring the video footage from the camera, to the computer, and then to Final Cut. Another thing that I would have done was shoot more for the scenes where we had planed cuts, like the scene when Elden takes his phone out of his pocket, because the lack of multiple shots and attempts left me with less to create clean, continuous cuts.
I think that overall our project came out the way in which we had intended. When we watched the fully edited version I laughed, and that’s usually a good sign when making a comedy video. We were able to produce a video that matched our original concept and our storyboard and the specific angles, shots, and I was satisfied with the cuts that we had planned in pre production. I think the only thing that I was a little bit unhappy with was the quality of the voice over and the video footage itself, but these problems were unavoidable.

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