Monday, December 6, 2010


For me the most exciting and interesting part of animation is the fact that you can truly create anything. I found, earlier in the semester, that when thinking of an idea for a video of film project there are countless limitations. You have to make creative decisions based on the locations, equipment, props, crew, and actors available. On top of these issues are the limitations based on what is physically possible to do. When thinking of an idea for an animation project these issues are either non existent or are much easier to deal with. There are no locations to find, there is less equipment needed, there is no to very little need for props, a crew, or actors, and the physically impossible becomes the possible. With little more than a computer and some software one person can come up with an idea for an animation and create the whole project.
There were the things that I noticed most when working on my project. I was able to bring to life an inanimate object and do with it whatever I wanted. I found that the creative freedom that animation offers is the most excited part of working with Flash. While this ability to do anything through animation may present an extraordinary opportunity to be creative in a very different way, there are issues that animation presents as well. The biggest problem and greatest difficulty that I found when working on my project is that in order to make a good looking animation an unbelievable amount of time must be placed in to not only working on a project, but also in learning the idiosyncrasies of the program. Flash is definitely a complicated piece of software and I feel that it would take hours and hours of work time and guidance in order to master the basic features of Flash. None the less, I enjoyed working with Flash and creating my own animation.

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